台電公司考古題 99年 英文

1. I went to the store_______ .

2. I like to_______  time_______  my family.

3. The flooding after the typhoon_______  many houses.

7. In this industry, you really need to keep_______  if you don’t want to be caught off guard.

9. I_______  use a payphone. I just use my cellphone instead.

14. You should always_______  your opinions politely.

19. There is only a little juice left in the_______ .

20. It took the Davies’ fifteen years to complete that_______  mansion.

24. If you_______  my children, what subjects_______  you teach them?

25. I’d_______  go to the zoo_______  visit the museum.

28. Sara felt_______  tired_______  exercise yesterday.

32. Janine will probably lose her job_______  her boss in front of the entire staff last week.

33. _______ the family income, the Chang’s could afford to buy a new car.

34. Just look at how much we_______  when we worked together last week.

35. Do you have_______  for one thousand dollars?