關務/稅務特考考古題 英文(測驗題型) (收錄101~112年歷屆試題,每次隨機抽取50題)

8. In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your network is nothing more than a gaggle of Facebook friends.  (102年三等考題) 

9. Diseases that have high profiles and vocal activists such as AIDS attract far more interest and money from big donors based partly on the mistaken belief that they kill most children.  (102年三等考題) 

33. Playing basketball is a popular form of _____ among young people. (106年三等考題) 

84. After the old emperor's death, the empire was _____ into several small states. (112年三等考題) 

85. He despised Pitt, _____ the similar views they both held. (112年三等考題) 

104. His driver’s license is _____ because of drunken driving. (103年四等考題) 

148. The all-inclusive tours offered by the new travel agency _____. (105年四等考題) 

157. Many people are hooked on horror movies; they love to be scared _____. (107年四等考題) 

183. If you are planning to _____, Canada may be a good destination. (109年四等考題)